“Kinetic Vibe SRL” garantisce la protezione dei dati dei propri clienti, in merito a qualsivoglia rivelazione delle vostre informazioni in nostro possesso, non autorizzata.
KineticVibe Srl – Via Mecenate 76/32, 20138 Milano (MI) – Italy – Mobile +39 327.57.06.605
Skype: Kineticvibe – www.kineticvibe.net
Circular about personal data treatment former articles 13-14 Reg.to UE 2016/679
Interested subjects:
KineticVibe Srl as owner of the treatment of their own personal data, logically and following the UE
regulations 2016/679 “GDPR”, hereby wants to inform you that the quoted regulations provides for the
protection of the interested parts with reference to the personal data treatment and that the treatment
will be conformed to the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your
discretion and your rights.
Your personal data will be processed according to the legislative arrangement of the regulation we
referred to before and the obligation of discretion provided before.
Kineticvibe Srl means to offer to its own clients the possibly best experience to always ensure an
excellent service and an high level experience. The main goal of KineticVibe is, in sight of this new
regulations, being open and transparent with its own customers and services users about the
personal data which are collected to provide such service, about the way they’re used and about the
subjects they’re shared with.
Purpose of the treatment:
KineticVibe informs that the treatment of your data is juridically based on your consent and is carried
out for the following purpose: the browsing inside the website, the possibility to subscribe to the
website, carry out the registration in it, use its services, receive newsletter, purchase tickets, take part
to events, subscribe to the various initiatives we suggest, etc.
In particular
Your data will be processed for the following purposes linked to the execution of fulfillments related to
legislative or contractual obligations.
Following there are the purposes:
– purposes required to ascertain, exert or defend a right in court or whenever the jurisdictional
authorities exert their jurisdictional functions;
– browsing purpose or customized contents management;
– purpose about the fulfillment of a contract you are part of or the execution of pre contractual
measures adopted on your request (ex: contract request through the contacts form, registration to the
services, etc.);
– purpose of research / statistic analysis on collected or anonymous data, without the possibility to
identify the user, with the goal of estimating if the website works, measuring the traffic and evaluating
usability and interest;
The treatment of functional data for the completion of such obligations is necessary for the correct
management of the relationship and their conferment is mandatory to carry out the purposes indicated
Furthermore, KineticVibe Srl wants to declare that the possible miscommunication or lack of
communication of one piece of mandatory information may cause to the owner impossibility of
ensuring the congruity of the treatment itself.
Types of processed data
KineticVibe will process your personal data, such as:
Data automatically collected:
The IT system and the applications devoted to the functioning of this website notice, during their
normal functioning, some data (whose transmission is implied in the use of the Internet
communication protocols) virtually associated to identifiable users. Among data there are the IP
addresses and the domain names of the computer used by the users who connect to the site, the
addresses in notation URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the required resources, the time of the
request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the dimension of the obtained file, the
numerical code which indicates the answer status given by server (successful, error, ecc.) and other
parameters about the operative system, the browser and the IT environment used by the user. These
data are processed for the strictly necessary time, with the only purpose to get statistical information
about the use of the site and to control its normal functioning. The conferment of such data is
mandatory as directly linked to the experience of web browsing.
Data provided on purpose by the user:
The voluntary and explicit e-mail dispatch to the addresses indicated in different access channels of
this site doesn’t involve consent request and the possible compilation of specifically suitable forms
involve the following acquisition of the address and the sender’s/user’s data, necessary to answer to
the produced requests and/or dispense the required service. The voluntary e-mail dispatch from you
to our e-mail addresses don’t need further circulars or consent request. On the contrary, specific
summary circulars will be reported or displayed in the pages of the site predisposed for particular
request services (Form). Therefore the user has to agree to the use of data reported in these Forms
to be able to send the request.
The cookies work to analyse the site efficacy and make it easier and more intuitive. The data
collected thanks to cookies are necessary to make the browsing experience more pleasant and more
efficient in the future, by trying to evaluate the user behavior and modify the offer proposal of the
contents according to their behavior. For all the informations about the cookies, please consult the
section “Cookie Policy”.
Informations about possible payments:
If you use the services for purchases or economical transactions, for example when you purchase on
KineticVibe, we collect informations about purchase and transactions. It may be about payment
informations, for example the credit or debit card number and other card data, other authentication
and account informations, and contact, shipping and invoicing information. Such collection is
necessary for the operation completion time.
Data treatment procedure:
Personal data provided by you will be subject of treatment operations in line with the norm mentioned
before and of confidentiality obligations which KineticVibe Srl activity is inspired by. The data will be
processed, both with IT tools and paper support and any other kind of suitable support in line with
appropriate safety measures in accordance with the article 5 par. 1 from GDPR.
KineticVibe let it known that, in order to ensure the possibly best safety, the data of its own customers
are reserved and processed with a dedicated database suitable to the safety expected from the
GDPR art. 5 par. lett.F.
In particular, here is how your data treatment occurs:
your personal data will be treated in the following ways:
– through electronic calculator with use of software system run by third parties;
– through electronic calculator with use of software system run or scheduled directly;
– temporary anonymous treatment. Every treatment occurs in line with the procedures such as art.
6.32 of GDPR and through the adoption of suitable safety measures established.
Your data will be communicated exclusively to expert subjects duly mentioned for the completion of
necessary services to a correct management of the relationship, with guarantee protection of the
rights of the interested part. Its data will be treated exclusively by personal expressly authorised by
the owner (KineticVibe) and, in particular, by the following operators:
– Marketing office;
– programmers and analysts;
– commercial office.
Your data may be communicated to third parties, duly mentioned “Person in charge for the treatment”,
in particular to:
– Google AdWords: Ad Service, ad Target, Analytics/Measurement, Contents customization,
– Google Analytics: Ad Target , Analytics/Measurement, Optimization;
– to necessary subjects for the supply of services offered by owner’s website, included, for example,
the e-mail dispatch and website operation analysis, which typically operate as treatment supervisor of
the company.
Your personal data will not be spread in any way. Furthermore, your personal data can also be
transferred, limited to the purposes earlier reported, in the following status:
some of your personal data are transferred to addressees who might be out of the European
Economic Space. KineticVibe Srl ensure that the electronic and paper treatment of your personal data
by addresses occurs in line with the applicable Norm. The transfers are alternatively based on a
decision of adequacy or on the standard model clauses approved by the European Commission.
Preservation period:
We inform you that, following the principles of lawfulness, purposes limitation and data minimisation,
in accordance with the art. 5 of GDPR, the preservation period of your personal data is:
– established for a time span not larger than the completion of the supplied services. The collected
data will be preserved for a time span not larger than the achievement of the purposes they’re
processed for (“principle of preservation limitation”, art. 5, GDPR) or based on the deadlines
established by the law regulation. The Check on the preserverved data warehousing, concerning the
purposes they were collected for, is carried out periodically.
Cookie Management:
In case of doubts related to the use of cookies, it’s always possible to intervene to prevent the setting
and the reading, for example by modifying the the privacy settings inside of your browser in order to
obstruct some types of them. Since each browser:
– And often different versions of the same browser;
– Differ substantially one from another, if you prefer to operate independently through preferences
of your browser, you can find detailed informations about the necessary process in your browser
guide. Furthermore, the ad companies allow to give up the the reception of focused
announcements, if you want it.
The owner of data treatment, in accordance with the law, is:
KineticVibe Srl – Via Mecenate 76/32, 20138 Milano (MI) – Italy – Mobile +39 327.57.06.605
Skype: Kineticvibe – www.kineticvibe.net (VAT 10852160968) in the the person of its legal delegate
pro tempore Mr. Cesare Mario Viacava
You have the right to get from the owner:
– the cancellation (Right to oblivion)
– the limitation
– the update
– the adjustment
– the portability
– the opposition to the treatment of personal data which concern you, as well as in general can
employ all the rights established by artt. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 of GDPR
You will also be able to inspect anytime the updated version of the present circular by linking to the
Internet address: https://www.kineticvibe.net/content/web/cookie-policy.pdf
Reg.to UE 2016/679: Artt. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Rights of the interested part:
1. The interested part has the right to get the confirmation if their personal data, even if not registered,
exist or not and their communication in an intelligible form.
2. The interested part has the right to get the indication:
– of the origin of the personal data;
– of the purposes and procedures of the treatment;
– of the applied logic in case of treatment carried out with the help of electronic tools;
– of the personal data of the owner, the people in charge and the assigned delegate, in accordance
with the article 5, clause 2;
– of the subjects or the categories of subjects whom the personal data can be communicated to or
who can can learn about the data as assigned delegate in the territory of the State, as people in
charge or as appointee.
3. the interested part has the right to get:
– the update, the rectification in other words, when there is interest, the integration of the data;
– the cancellation, the anonymous transformation or the block of the data processed in violation of law,
including those where the preservation isn’t necessary in relation to the goal they were collected or
later processed for;
– the certificate, that the operations which the letters A and B got to know about also concerning their
content, of those whom the data have been communicated or diffused to, except for the case when
such fulfillment is revealed to be impossible or involves a manifestly excessive use of means
compared to the protected right;
– the portability of the data.
4. The interested part has the right to take position against, in whole or in part:
– for lecit reasons to the personal data treatment concerning it, as well as pertaining to the goal of the
– to the personal data treatment concerning it with the goal of dispatch of ad material or direct sale, or
for the fulfillment of market researches or trade communication.
The conferment of your data is mandatory during the browsing of our website.